Over the last ten years, I've journeyed through the ups and downs of discovering I have a chronic anxiety disorder, working through crippling depression, experiencing debilitating panic attacks, and contemplating suicide. To say that this film is highly personal would be an understatement. And while this played a large part in why I wanted to make this film, it wasn't the only reason.
As a man and member of the BIPOC community, I know firsthand how tough it can be to speak up and seek help, especially when it's so desperately needed. While strides have been made in recent years to de-stigmatize the topic of mental illness, many people in marginalized communities, especially men, still face internal stigmas when it comes to getting help. This needs to change, and I want to help facilitate that change in any way I can.
If I've learned anything after going through all of this, it's that I am not alone in any of this. The feelings I've felt, the thoughts I've thought, the struggle to sometimes make it through a day - all are universal. But that means that the opportunity for healing is also universal. Whether it's via therapy, medication, meditation, or faith, there is a light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. We just have to be brave enough to face it and find a way to access the help that's out there.
Together, let's begin to change the narrative and create a society where men and women alike, can feel safe enough to be vulnerable and share what they are really going through. Whether it's one or one million, we might just save a life.